Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plush Parenting

When I hit Aleric or Mommy or Daddy or Daddy's laptop or the table or.... Ok, so if I hit anything I get put in time out and told that I should not hit. Well, today I caught my bear hitting his friend for reasons that neither would divulge to me. So I just stuck that bear in the time out position and scolded him repeatedly so that he would know not to do it again. I said "Sit down!! Stay!! No hit!!" until it seemed that it had sunken in to his soft fluffy head. I don't think I'll catch him doing that again. After he was done paying penance for his crimes against fellow fluffy toys, I told him that he had to go say sorry to his friend. Mommy was laughing the whole time. I don't know why, but I guess she laughs at my misery in the timeout position sometimes too, no wait, that's Daddy that's doing the laughing. Mommy takes it very seriously.

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