Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I've seen myself
Today Mommy put me in front of a wonderful little device. Daddy told me it's called a mirror. It allows me to bask in my own cuteness for as long as I can hold up my head. This gives me good incentive to strengthen my neck muscles. I think I'll be spending more time with THIS toy from now on.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
My weight
I now weigh 10lbs 9oz and I'm 24.25 inches long! My noggin is 15.5cm around. One could say i'm growing up fast.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My Christmas Present
Although today isn't Christmas, I subliminally convinced Mommy that due to the stresses of my hospital stay we should open our Christmas presents. Daddy fought it off as much as he could but eventually my cuteness won him over and well, here I am in my Christmas present. This thing is a blast.
Furry Daddy, Kiwi Chairs and Boppy
These are a few of my favorite things. I love cuddling against my furry Daddy. The only time I don't like it is when I get a fur stuck on my bink. That's not fun.
This one is just in case you didn't already know how cute I am.
One More Hospital Pic
Bath Time
So the other day Mommy and Daddy gave me a bath. After the bath Daddy kept taking pictures of my feet. He seems to think my toes are cute. What do you think?
You know what? Bath time and bright flashing lights don't really go well together. At least Daddy had the courtesy to stop me from flashing back.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Man I missed my swing! This thing is awesome! I had almost forgotten the lulling sensation of rocking gently back and forth.
The doctors have decided to let me go home today. I have been eating a lot so I can gain weight like they say I should. I miss my brother and my swing. Mommy and daddy seem happy that they get to go home too.
Christmas Stocking
The nurses brought me a huge sock to put on the end of my bed last night. I'm not sure what it's for but Daddy ensures that when i'm older I will love these things.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I love my mommy
Mommy just got here and fed me so now I am a happy little girl once more. I mean, Daddy is great and all but no one makes me smile like Mommy can.
I'm at the hospital
Well, I guess when you're little you have to gain weight. It seems when people get older they all talk about losing it but when you're my size, that's apparently not an option, so i'm laying here in a bed that feels a little like a prison due to the bars with an anklet that sounds an alarm if I leave the hall way so I guess I get put on bed arrest until I gain some weight. I'm not complaining though, Daddy and Mommy are still holding me and telling me how cute I am so all is well. These pictures are just to prove that I am cute no matter the circumstances. They have me taking something that Daddy said smells like black licorice, I don't know what that is but it makes my face scrunch up when it hits my tongue. Mommy says it will make my tummy feel better. So I know a lot of you like to worry about me, but I am happy and energetic so I think it's just that I burn so much energy being beautiful that i'm a bit slow gaining weight. Sleep well everyone.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My Swing Away from Home
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My Favorite Carrier
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Been awhile
It's been awhile since I shared a picture of my beautiful self with you all, here I am just chilling on the floor playing with Aleric.
Friday, October 24, 2008
It's sleeping time
It's been awhile since I put up a new picture of me, and I just read that Angelina and Brad got 14 mil for a picture of their little babies. So, I figure if their twins are worth 14 million together, then my picture should be worth 7 at least! So where's my money? Baby girl needs a new pair of Robeez!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Me and My Family, but Mostly ME!
My Weight
My Grandparents and I
My Carseat
Me in the Hospital
I Have a Big Brother!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Me and my mommy
I spent a lot of time inside of this wonderful woman I've decided to call mom. Now I'm working on a whole new relationship from the outside. She sure is cuddly.
I found something!
I never knew that there was more to this world that the dark warm place I've been living. I found out at 0708 today that there was. I also discovered that there are people out here and that I weigh 9lbs 14.5 oz! I'm not sure what that means, but it seems to make people excited when they hear it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Mommy and Daddy want to know when you think I will be born. To encourage you to leave a response and let us know what you think, they have declared that (s)he who comes closest to the date/time, of my birth and my birth-weight will get the first phone call after I am born! This is a coveted honor and it only happens once, so get to guessing. Please only one guess per person. Make sure your guess contains date/time of birth and birth-weight, Daddy assures me he has some strange math function to figure out who came closest based on all three "parameters", that was his word not mine, I'd have said things. Anyways, have fun and good luck!
Note: I think I need to clarify something. Daddy didn't make this too clear to me when I first posted this so I had to pin him down and get some answers. Turns out their are tiers to the guesses. Grandparents are tier one and the guesses just determine which grandparent gets the first call and the order from there. The rest of the family (aunts, uncles, great grandparents) are in tier two. Then friends are just guessing for fun to show their support for my new blog. They will find out from the blog because I don't even think Mommy and Daddy have their numbers for most of them. Hope this makes sense to all of you and helps you understand what they are thinking. Also, keep in mind that no matter what position you end up in, you will know pretty darn quick, probably with 10 minutes of the first person. So don't freak out, they said they love you all.
Note: I think I need to clarify something. Daddy didn't make this too clear to me when I first posted this so I had to pin him down and get some answers. Turns out their are tiers to the guesses. Grandparents are tier one and the guesses just determine which grandparent gets the first call and the order from there. The rest of the family (aunts, uncles, great grandparents) are in tier two. Then friends are just guessing for fun to show their support for my new blog. They will find out from the blog because I don't even think Mommy and Daddy have their numbers for most of them. Hope this makes sense to all of you and helps you understand what they are thinking. Also, keep in mind that no matter what position you end up in, you will know pretty darn quick, probably with 10 minutes of the first person. So don't freak out, they said they love you all.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A Lot of Commotion
These last two days there has been a lot of commotion. I keep hearing Mommy talk about something called a "Baby Shower". I feel pretty clean so I'm not sure that I really need a shower. So last night they were making cakes until midnight, which was a little frustrating because by the time Mommy went to bed I was so tired I had to sleep too. That meant that I couldn't kick Mommy as much and keep her up. So this morning they got up early and kept on making cakes. Daddy took a picture of the cake he made for Mommy's and my baby shower. He asked me if I would post it so here it is. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be, but they seem happy with it.

PS: Everyone kept telling Mommy and Daddy that it was really neat and that it tasted great.
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Sneezepee
Some may say that I have a twisted sense of humor, but hey, I'm only -2 months old! Mommy and I have grown pretty close over these last few months and I have begun to be able to predict when certain things are going to happen, such as... Oh I don't know, a sneeze. Every time she sneezes I get all squished up in here and it's not a lot of fun. I tried just kicking her in the diaphragm to tell her I didn't like it much, but that just makes her go "HHHUHUUUUH" and I think it scares everyone else in the room far more than it does her. So because of the lack of effect from the diaphragm kicks, I decided to switch gears. I decided to punch. What, I'm sure you are asking, is within punching range? Well, I have many options, most of which are fun. There is Mommy's kidney, which she really doesn't like and it's not fun for me so I haven't done it much. Then there is Mommy's stomach, but that is sort of a downward punch and I can't get much force so I don't like that one either. My favorite, is her bladder. I'm sure you know why. You don't? Oh. hehehe. I'll tell you. If I punch her there it makes her go "HHHUHUUUUH" just like the diaphragm which scares everyone in the room, but it also makes her have to pee! It's a two for one deal baby. So back to sneezing. To teach her not to sneeze I learned to time my punches to the exact moment of her sneeze. This took some practice but once I mastered it the effect was priceless. You see, when I do this she is so distracted by the sneeze that she pees. All at once. I think it's hilarious. She... does not. She did however learn to stop sneezing, which was the whole point of this little exercize. So, I win. :)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Ultrasound Pictures
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